Foosball Club Guidelines
We’ve put together some guidelines for UK foosball clubs, and clubs are encouraged to adopt them. Do let us know with your thoughts on how we can improve them.
A Club should have a name and a club captain, also ideally a home location and home table. The Club should aim to have an online presence (social media page, website, logo etc). Clubs may want to adopt a short Club Constitution. The BFA can set up a account for each club and can create a club page on this website.
A Club should aim to hold at least one tournament per year rated at least BFA Cat E, or ideally more e.g. quarterly or monthly. Also a Club should aim to hold an annual Club Championship, open only to club members. Full results should be published and shared with the BFA to be incorporated into the UK rankings.If facilities are suitable, Clubs are also encouraged to aspire to host larger BFA tournaments including ITSF Master Series & Pro Tour events; host the UK Championships or BFA League Finals.
Clubs should aim to have a regular club meet-up on at least a monthly basis and ideally weekly if possible. The club could organise a regular DYP, Open Singles / Doubles, Monster DYP etc, Winner Stays On etc on this night. Clubs should be available to play league or challenge matches in the BFA League on their home meet-up nights (a minimum of 4 players is required on such occasions).
The clubs of each region together appoint a Regional Director to represent them on the BFA Committee.